Our dentist and team are dedicated to helping you maintain your beautiful smile post-orthodontic treatment and offer various retainer options including clear retainers, fixed retainers and removable retainers, ensuring a perfect fit for every lifestyle.
Clear Retainers
Clear retainers, also known as Essix retainers, are transparent and custom-made to fit over your teeth. These retainers are popular due to their discreet appearance and ease of use.
- Aesthetics: Nearly invisible, making them an attractive option.
- Comfort: Smooth and comfortable to wear.
- Ease of Cleaning: Removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.
Fixed Retainers
Fixed retainers consist of a thin wire bonded to the back of your teeth, providing permanent retention. They are ideal for patients who may struggle with compliance in wearing removable retainers.
- Durability: Permanently fixed to prevent teeth from shifting.
- Low Maintenance: No need to remember to wear them.
- Consistency: Constantly works to maintain alignment.
Removable Retainers
Removable retainers, such as Hawley retainers, are made of acrylic and metal wires. These retainers are adjustable and durable.
- Adjustability: Can be adjusted if minor movements are needed.
- Durability: Long-lasting with proper care.
- Ease of Use: Removable for eating and cleaning.
For more information on retainers in Chicago, Illinois, or to schedule an appointment, contact Fresh Dental at 773-800-2905. Dr. Michelle Lee and Dr. Jin Nam are here to provide personalized care to help you maintain your beautiful smile.